The End of the Coronavirus

That would be good!?

Soulsoothinsounds's Blog


The Coronavirus is leaving because its job is nearing an end.  It was ushered in by humanity for the purpose of clearing out old, stuck energies and systems.  On an inner level, within the body and an outer level within economic and social systems.

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Bringing a Slingshot to an Atomic War


Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s September 11, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  In essence, you’re retired from your ‘save the world’ role. It’s time to discover and follow your personal joy. As is true in 3D retirement, you must reinvent yourself by accessing your unique joys so those of the second and beyond waves know they too can retire joyfully once their earth-saving role is complete. 

“Addressing Your Inner PTSD” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Even though we have addressed your need to be right in previous blogs, we want to explain why such is so and why it is no longer appropriate.

When you lived in a 3D world of fear, you required divisions to maintain…

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Stop Directing the Second Wave

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 21, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You’ve likely experienced emotional upheaval the past few days as you evolve into new you. You’re no longer a global caretaker, for you’ve completed your role of helping the earth transition beyond 3D. You’ve become the role model of a loving, peaceful being of light. The second wave is beginning to create new, flexible structures of love. 

“The Second Wave are the Rebuilders” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Today we address the angst many of you feel as you let go of your need to control the world. Perhaps you laugh at that last statement for you feel as if your personal world is so out…

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The Second Wave are the Re-builders

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 14, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  You’ve likely experienced many emotions the past few days. Such is so because you’re growing into your new being. Even though your cells are always evolving, never before have they done so at this warp speed. Most of you are entering your environmental exploration phase. You’ll evolve from new you infant to adult in days instead of years. (I received this after recording: As infants, we expect to be cared for, but current politics and ideologies force us to create our safe place producing stress and fear.) 

“Practice Time is Over” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

The current erratic energies likely make you feel emotions…

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Practice Time is Over

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s August 7, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Throughout the eons, you trained yourself to split your being as you believed necessary to be accepted by others. You’re no longer able to play those games with yourself or others. Like a two-year-old, you’re declaring your freedom to be without concerns about what others may think or do. You’re clearing your last secret-self dust bunnies with both trepidation and joy.

“Refilling Your Vessel” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel as if you are not functioning or behaving correctly. For some of your new emotions and reactions are so different that you find yourself wondering who you are.

You might be expressing anger, sadness, or fear…

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Welcome to the August Gathering around the Pond, Sunday August 2

aisha north

You are not here
to shrink away from
your own greatness.
You are here to be YOU.
Nothing more.
But also, nothing less.
Remember, YOU are the lion,
and the world wants to hear you roar.”

We have entered the intensity of the Lion’s Gate energies, and I was guided to repost this message from three years ago. But these words also emerged this morning: “Sometimes, the loudest roar is a whisper.” Like many others, I have been called into the deep Silence. A silence that has no words, but speaks volumes. So much is shifting now, within and without. And the speed of everything is literally mind blowing. Guiding us even deeper into the wordless space of ALL there is.

This Sunday, August 2 at 21:00 / 9 PM Norway time (UTC +2), I invite you to join me in this “wordless space” for our August Gathering around…

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Others Will Evolve Without Your Interference

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry

Summary of Brenda’s July 24, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  As you aged in 3D, your life became more concrete. You established plans, dates, and activities. At the same time, you readily accepted that toddlers and infants explored without expectations. So it is now for you. Your world and life flow. What seems probable today might not be tomorrow. So don’t frighten yourself with what could happen tomorrow or next month.

“Practicing Your Global Creation Skills” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

We wish to address your need to be everything to everyone except yourself. For these unusual times seem to be calling you to care for others. But if you do, you will lose your…

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Matt Kahn – Energy Update – July 2020

July 26, 2020

Although many can view the current state of the planet as apocalyptic signs, it’s important to know that an apocalypse is actually the process of ascension merely viewed through the lens of an unraveling ego structure. To help you through this process, let’s explore the gifts and opportunities the Universe is ushering in, on all of our behalf, to move awareness beyond the surreal intensity of a rapidly-changing world. At this time, the Universe is expanding the collective consciousness by helping evolving beings such as yourself to become aware of and to continue the process of unraveling core limiting beliefs out of your cellular memory.

This means, in spite of the things you intend to manifest, the Universe is helping you acknowledge your most core limiting beliefs by putting you in circumstances and guiding you through a series of outcomes to help you notice the most limiting ideas you conclude about yourself, life, or your place in the cosmos. To help you move through this process with utmost grace, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • When something uncomfortable, inconvenient, or unexpected happens, what reason do you give for why it occurs?
  • Is your knee-jerk reaction wondering what you did wrong to bring this about?
  • Do you hope to find the lesson as quickly as possible, so to move beyond the perception of punishment?
  • Do you do inner work so intensely, as a way of trying to get into a better standing with a Source that only loves and adores you exactly as you are?
  • Do you overly-spiritualize the perfection of divine timing by assigning blame to your ego’s behavior, a belief that your vibration must be low as a result of such outcomes, or merely holding the notion that you must not be worthy of all you wish to have?

These can be some rather bold questions, but it remains imperative to ask them in order to help you see through the veil of concepts you may be unknowingly and so innocently using to stay asleep in a dream of reward and punishment. As you continue to wake up, you begin to explore a Universe that is all reward with no punishments outside of the limiting and often heart-breaking conclusions we tend to draw in response to the unfolding journey of time. As part of the human condition, human beings often draw conclusions in response to outcomes as a way of maintaining some semblance of control. The belief tends to be: if I can understand why something is happening, I will be able to know what I can do to move through it or even transform it into greater circumstances for myself and others. As always, there is always a kernel of truth hidden within the beliefs of our deepest distortions of reality. It is true, if you could understand why something is happening, you will be able to know what you can do to move through it or even transform it into greater circumstances for yourself and others. And yet, you don’t have to be blamed as the negative cause of any particular outcome, as if you must be guilty of some form of wrong-doing just because things aren’t going the way you had hoped or envisioned.

As the Universe helps you address your most limiting beliefs you have about yourself, others, the world, and reality as a whole– mainly focusing on the limiting beliefs you have about you– it assists in the further expansion of your awakening consciousness by being able to honor the often illusive and mysterious process of transmutation.

Transmutation acts as a sacred fire burning up all that no longer serves you each and every time you are emotionally triggered or turned against yourself in response to an outcome or anyone else’s behavior.

The more you know that life will become whatever series of circumstances is needed to help you examine the limiting beliefs you hold to be true about yourself, the easier it is to let go of needing things to be any particular way in order to discover the happiness, wholeness, inspiration, and joy that you seek. It also helps you uplevel your understanding of co-creation beyond the limits of the ego’s understanding. Co-creation is real, but you are not solely in charge of what comes or goes. Since co-creation references a collaboration, it helps you understand that your partnership with the Universe allows any degree of circumstance to manifest, not because of the insistence of personal will, but through the grace of divine timing that is doing everything in its infinite power to help you become the heart-centered, embodied, and fully integrated consciously divine human you were born to be. As more space is cleared to allow such an embodied and integrated presence of your soul to move deeper into your physical body, you come to realize the true fulfillment you have been searching for comes from being aligned with spirit more often than not, and not necessarily dependent upon what you have, don’t have, want, or resent others for having.

This is why the Universe creates personal and collective head-scratching scenarios, where specific versions of you, along with other characters, show up to behave in ways that allow you to watch the limiting beliefs that may arise in response. Because the addressing of core limiting beliefs is so front and center for so many right now, the key at this time is being more compassionate with yourself than ever before. Let yourself off the hook by allowing yourself to enter a reality where things don’t happen because of anything you do or don’t do.

Because the unraveling of limiting core beliefs is escorting you beyond the confines of psychological imprisonment, it is very common right now to have a rebellious nature when it comes to self-imposed rules and rigidity. For example, if you are on a cleanse, don’t be surprised by the desire or likelihood of cheating, just to know you have the right to do as you wish and be as you may. The unraveling of limiting core beliefs also amplifies the tendency of emotional eating, in attempt to seek surrogate forms of comfort, as the beliefs that once offered comfort are seen to have overstayed their welcome. There is no doubt that as all the pieces of self are put back together throughout your journey of awakening, there will be a remarkable difference in your alignment of choices, but this process is not something your ego can micro-manage or control.

At this critical time of inner alchemical transmutation, the essential spiritual practices are those rooted in self-love and self-discovery.

It is a time where you are truly needed as the one who can deliver the light of Source energy into your being by how authentically and more often you dare to love yourself, while accepting that everything happens to usher in a new version of you and a newly-transformed reality and not because of anything you did ‘wrong’ in any way.

During this phase of transmutation, it is natural to have rampant cravings, feel stir-crazy, confused, mesmerized, or dismayed by life’s growing list of uncertainties, an increase in physical or emotional pain– including pain in your head, as well as electrical surges and shocks along major meridian points. Such symptoms, while representing evidence of transmutation in progress, also act as reminders to be gentle with yourself as you move beyond the threshold of this evolutionary process.

As the pace of life slows to give you a more direct view into the inner-workings of a conditioned past, you are able to cut the cords to each and every anchor and set sail along our most miraculous voyage into new seas of discovery.

With less pressure and rigidity overwhelming an already overwhelming time in Earth’s history, the signs of a newly-awakening world begin to surface in the beauty of your everyday life.

From my heart to yours, thank you for being here, staying the course, and being such an instrumental catalyst in ensuring that the vibration of love is channeled into your heart and reality, no matter how shameful, unworthy, or disconnected any belief suggests you to be. On behalf of the Universe, thank you for being you exactly as you are.

May the Universe show you exactly how, no matter the circumstances in view, love always has the final word. Love always wins.

All For Love,

Arcturian Group Message – 7.26.2020

via Marilyn Raffaele
©2020 |

JULY 26, 2020

Dear readers, during these times of so much turmoil and confusion our hope is that these messages will bring information and encouragement. Do not become discouraged for present times are the very reason you chose to be on earth at this time.

The shift that so many have hoped and prayed for has begun but does not look like so many expected it to look. This is because they were imagining it with three dimensional concepts of what a perfect new world would look like. All the bad guys would be removed and all the good guys would live happily ever after with no problems. Release any remaining concepts you may still hold regarding the earth’s ascension and allow the process to unfold as it must.

Many old and well established three dimensional creations must first surface in order to be seen and recognized for what they really represent before the majority can be aware of, reject, and stop energetically feeding them. This is a process, but as maps point out; “You are here.”

This will continue for a while and there is more to come. Stand centered in your highest spiritual realization as an observer, but one who is open to helping as needed. Some are being guided to take an active role, while others are to simply hold the Light. Neither is more important than the other but both must be done without ego involvement. Follow your intuition, listen, trust, and know that you are always being guided.

We see many changes coming soon and more to be revealed that is not yet energetically ready for manifestation. Do not be shocked and upset when people and issues begin to be exposed for who and what they represent. You are prepared and have had fair warning but some information will be shocking to those still living in old energy. You may be called upon to reassure and assist those unprepared for information and change.

It can be a time of celebration if you allow it to be and if you are able to let go of concepts about how everything should or shouldn’t look. The journey toward a higher resonating planet earth has begun and no amount of interference from those seeking to uproot the process can stop it.

Much of today’s chaos is the activity of those who do not want the world to awaken into a new level of awareness for that would mean they could no longer manipulate and control. However, they are running out of options for the Light has spiritual law to uphold, maintain, and sustain it, whereas false beliefs and concepts do not.

As one’s personal consciousness becomes more enlightened, they begin to access and resonate with previously unavailable higher dimensional frequencies because they are now in alignment with them. This in turn results in ms-alignment with some other things like certain foods.

Avoid processed, junk, and false foods no matter how delicious and healthy the packaging tells you they are. This also goes for fruits and vegetables poisoned with pesticides, picked long before ready, sometimes even colored, and then displayed beautifully for purchase. Choose foods that more closely align with your energy and trust your intuition as you shop. The sky is not going to fall down if you eat something of a lower resonance, but you will feel better and your energy will be supported when you choose higher resonating foods.

New energy levels will also cause some entertainments, TV shows, books, and activities to no longer resonate with you as they once did. Family and friends who remain in alignment with these things will not understand why you are choosing to no longer fully participate and may interpret your lack of interest as personal rejection frequently bringing about discord and misunderstanding.

It can be a loving gesture to continue participating when something no longer important to you is very important to another but never surrender your integrity or personal power in order to please others or “fit in”. Do not allow pressure from others or a desire to keep the peace cause you to slip back into places you have outgrown or cause you to believe that there is something wrong with you. It is never a question of wrong or right, it is simply a matter of energetic misalignment.

Never surrender your innate power as a Divine Being, but at the same time be alert to avoid resistance on your part that can easily slip into being an ego game that becomes about the three dimensional sense of power. Walking on eggshells in order to please another must cease if a person is ever to experience their own innate power.

There are situations and more coming in your life when you will simply and without regret or guilt, step away. Always stand in your spiritual integrity (power) lovingly but firmly without making mountains out of molehills in the false belief that you must stand your ground regardless. That simply gives power to some person or activity that in and of itself, has no power.

Power is never personal, bestowed only on a select few. God alone is power and that power flows in, as, and through you from Source within–it is your birthright. Ego, or the sense of a selfhood apart from God never has or ever can have real power although many continue to claim it for themselves and appearances may look that way.

Because a physical body is necessary for three dimensional living you are limited in some ways and often under the influence of collective thought. As truth increasingly becomes your attained level of consciousness, many three dimensional concepts will fade away allowing you to actually experience increasingly more qualities of Divine Consciousness that were previously just intellectual knowledge. Once a truth becomes your realized state of consciousness, you are no longer in alignment with commonly accepted but false beliefs about it.

You will begin to notice that you often know or act without conscious thought and it turns out to be the perfect action for the situation. You begin to automatically know what foods your body needs and what activities are right for you. Synchronicity happen and things begin to fall into place easily and without effort. The right people come into your life at the right time. The harmony, completeness, wholeness, and intelligence of your own realized Consciousness, is expressing through you without personal effort. You are allowing rather than trying to make it happen. Be-ing rather than do-ing.

Lecturing, preaching, or punishing the un-awakened never brings about lasting change for every person is only capable of living their attained level of consciousness until they can open to their next level which usually comes about through experiences. Jail or prison, counseling, and intense experiences all have potential to awaken someone if they are receptive, but higher awareness can never be forced on another.

Never fear or resist allowing certain people to fade out of your life if they are choosing to remain in old energy and you find yourself no longer in alignment with them. It is not your job to save anyone, that is the person’s own job for every person has a Higher Self and Guides

Your work is to have your hand out and available at all times should another choose to grab it, but it is never to reach down into someone’s personal gutter and pull them out without their consent or desire. Their situation could very well be a planned part of their evolutionary journey. Always allow intuition to guide you in these situations for a person may actually be seeking help but not seem that way while another may simply want you to further enable them.

Awakening happens when the Higher Self determines that a person is ready and high frequency energy and current events are serving to shift many into readiness. A new wave of energy is coming very soon, one that will expose and change many things. Your awakened consciousness will draw to you those ready to hear what you can tell them about what is happening personally and globally.

Love is the core and essence of all things because it is the energetic connection of the many within ONE. This interconnecting energy exists between all living things but has been falsely interpreted by the three dimensional mind. The result has been a multitude of commonly accepted beliefs about love–attraction, emotion, sex, possession, as well as some very negative ones.

Current conditions are forcing many for the first time to begin experiencing a sense of oneness. You are witnessing the birth of a higher sense of love in collective thought as the virus and isolation puts everyone in the “same boat” so to speak.

Because there is only ONE, Love embraces all life regardless of skin color, sexual orientation, age, race, wealth, looks, or anything else that has throughout history served to separate people. Love is the innate knowing (consciousness) that all things are connected. Relationships of all kinds start with some sort of sense of oneness (goals, likes or dislikes, interests, attraction etc.) but are experienced according to the state of consciousness of those involved.

Frequently a sense of oneness comes from having been connected in some way to another person in previous lives which then manifests in this life either as attraction or repulsion depending upon previous relationships. Most heterosexual as well as homosexual partnerships take place between two who have become very close through previous shared lifetime experiences.

As the reality of pure Love integrates and becomes a person’s attained state of consciousness, they automatically and without thought or ego driven goal begin to respond to all life situations from a place of love because they have become Love. Always remember, you are Consciousness.

All is proceeding according to plan. Trust. Allow. Love.

The train has left the station.

We are the Arcturian Group 7/26/20

Donations are welcomed

“…the Sweep of Energy Light Love will ‘LIFT ALL’” via Blossom Goodchild

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild – 7.26.2020

Hello, Divinely Delightful Do-Gooders! Last week, I asked a question after you had said that this is the end of the dark days on Planet Earth and we digressed, which we often do. Yet, I think it is one that would clarify some things, so I will put it to you again if I may? It was:

It can all get so confusing. Is it not then that those who choose to move into a Higher Vibration will do so … yet, still be on Planet Earth and those who choose not to, will remain in the lower Vibration until they are ready to ‘cross the bridge’ yet, still be on Planet Earth?

This is so.

So then, it isn’t the end of the dark days on Planet Earth, if you see what I mean?


Welcome to All. All of you Divine Beings that are succeeding in your mission as it moves deeper into its positioning that is ‘scheduled’ for these days. We are happy to clarify this question for you if we can.

Thank you. If anyone can … you can!

Let us begin by stating that when we say this is so … THIS IS WHAT WE MEAN.

All that is to come out into the open … followed in correct ‘timing’ with the BIGGEST SWOOP OF ENERGY CHANGE that you cannot at this stage, possibly imagine … WILL TRANSFORM your Planet.

Yet, you don’t mean it will literally wipe the slate clean?

No … for this is not its purpose. However, what it will do is ‘lift everything’ from where it stands/ sits/ lays NOW … into a much more preferable ‘State of Beingness’ for everyone and everything.

Therefore, because your darkness has been cracked wide open … it cannot continue to function in the manner that it has been. There will be no ‘undercover movements’ for the DIVINE PLAN was/is to rid your Planet of this torment. To free it from its shackles and in doing so, like letting a balloon into the air … it shall rise of its own accord into the Heights of a Brand New World.

Yet, you say there will be a lower vibration still continuing?

Yes. For although the Sweep of Energy Light Love will ‘LIFT ALL’ … it is still up to the individual to ‘find themselves and walk on their own two feet’ so to speak … further into that Higher Vibration.

This is what we mean by “Crossing the Bridge’. For some, they have quite a few miles ahead of them in order to get to the Bridge. For others, they do not know of the Bridge. Some have one foot upon it already … etc. It is an individual’s journey. Yet, as we have said before, not one shall be left behind … no matter how long this may take.

So … I was … feeling/half understanding … that perhaps there is to be a divide? Is this not so?

Let us speak in terms that may assist. There is a divide now is there not?

Do you mean in terms of those who believe what they are being told on mainstream media and those who don’t?

Yes. Yet, we would term it ‘Those who do not yet understand what is taking place’.

With respect … I don’t think even those in the know understand what is taking place! We have snippets of info yet, at this stage … no solid proof.

Yet, you will have. When you do … so much will be pointed out and amaze ALL … that, as we have said many times … it will be when the Fully Blown Topsy Turvy begins.

You are feeling the divide will be regarding those that follow the path as believing that which they are presented with on the media and those who do not, are you not?

Didn’t I just ask that? In a nutshell and all that the shell contains … yes.

Yet, we would stick our neck out and say, that what is to come about in your nearing days will blast open the TRUTH of what has been taking place behind all of this.

Those on the side of Light have been endlessly, tirelessly ‘clearing the way’ so that when exposure of the Darkest Nights is presented TO ALL … it will change the thoughts of those who have ‘fallen for’ the controlling system. Because there will be no two ways about it. The proof of what is Truth and what is not shall be openly laid before you.

There will not be questions of ‘conspiracy’ … for evidence in the Highest portrayal shall be provided.

This is sounding very hopeful. I was feeling already, there was going to be such a divide as days progress.

Blossom, Dearest Souls … we shall continue to complete the answer. When we say the lower and Higher Vibrations …of that which souls choose to be in … … for those currently residing in the lower Vibrations, they will still feel the effects of ‘The Wave’.

Again to clarify … the Wave also meaning The Event, yet not Ascension?

Correct. It is just, as we say, they have further to walk to get to crossing the Bridge.

And the Bridge takes us over to the Higher Vibration?

Yes. It, for all, shall be like a calling, a Vibrational pull that leads you to it.

So, we would say that yes, the dark days are ending, yet, there is still the walk from the Lower Vibration through to the Higher.

Can some catch a bus?

It is up to the individual’s understanding as to how they choose to get there and how quickly.

If one does not have the understanding of the Powerful Light that they are, they would not feel comfortable on the other side of the Bridge. The Energy, the Vibration, would be too strong.

I would like to keep going on this divide question. Many are saying it will be as if the world will sort of split into two ( journeys)?

To which we would reply … yes … the long and the short route to The Bridge.

This is really quite revealing to me. I am happy that you say this, yet, some say very differently regarding who chooses to take vaccines … moving into A.I … all sorts of things.

And we say … if the darkness has gone … how can that be?

My heart is in my mouth … Courage Blossom … So are you saying … you wise Beings … are you saying that it will not come to this?

Yes. We are.

And you said that very strongly. Once again, you have my permission to slap me round the face with a wet fish!!! What if a soul wanted to go down that path?

And sacrifice the Light of who they are/are going to become? All things are possible … ALL THINGS … and experiments of such that have taken place moving towards this are certainly ‘on the move’.




So, the divide is between the lower and Higher Vibrations … not the dark and the Light? (I feel I need to add … ‘In days to come’.)

Indeed. Lower Vibration does not have to mean darkness … it is merely a frequency.  Frequency that can be lifted as one understands more and more of their Truth, as we have said.

This is indeed encouraging. For on the premise of creating our own reality … this sits well with me. At the end of the day and with all respect to you and I really mean that … there is no proof here on these pages that you are The Federation Of Light and that maybe I could just be ‘concocting’ that which sits nicely in ‘my mind’ … from a place in ‘my mind.’ No proof at all! That is for me to decide and feel YOUR Truth and all who read your words to do the same. I KNOW MY TRUTH and it is for each one to KNOW theirs. One may wonder why I suddenly put that … and it is difficult to explain. Telepathy is a tricky thing to master on this level … I hope/Trust after 15 years with you, I have done so. Yet, as a human Being there is always the possibility, I am making the niceties up in my head to have hope.

We would like to respond to that. We are aware of your hesitancy in keeping that last paragraph, so as not to dampen or put doubt into reader’s minds. We very much want you to leave it in. For these times, with all that is ‘given out’ from many different ‘pathways’ HAS TO ALLOW THE INDIVIDUAL SOUL TO FOLLOW THEIR TRUTH.

To learn to decipher their radar screenings … so to speak.

You are correct Blossom, we have given you no proof and as you know … we do not come and communicate with you to prove anything to anyone. For Truth lies within Each Divine Spark and that KNOWING of their TRUTH … IS their proof.

On this note, we would also like to Thank You, Blossom, for your courage, even when you feel that that which we speak of, to be out of your comfort zone and stepping outside the square.

Thank you for that. I TRUST YOU. I TRUST ME. Should it be that nothing of what you say comes about … All I can say is … I was following my heart … on ITS journey of TRUTH. At the end of the day … whether everything, something or nothing takes place as you have said it would … you have taught me to be who I LOVE TO BE. And should it be that on my death bed, no Event, no Wave, no announcements, no nothing, has changed … I will still be content with the way I chose to behave within my attitude towards ALL LIFE … and I have you and White Cloud to thank for that. For you are the ones showing me the pathway that connects us to our Divine Source. IN GRATITUDE. IN LOVING SERVICE. I AM … and I shall always BE! … Blossom Goodchild.